Por el amor al juego (For the love of the game)

Un blog divertido donde intentare hablar de deportes, deportes poco practicados, pero sobretodo de la esgrima. El deporte que elegi practicar y que me dio la oportunidad de conocer el mundo y conocer grandes amigos.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Fencing - A sport who anyone can enjoy

Today I would like to comment about two friends I met during my HP (High-Performance) fencing period.

I will never forget my friend Rosario, member of the Mexico City Fencing Club (Asociacion de Esgrima del DF). Rosario is a foilist who is deaf. Not a big issue for her, she only needed her coach to be at the end of te piste, facing her, who will show her when to begin and stop fencing.

At the same time, how can I forget Raul (now member of the staff of the Mexican Fencing Federation), who unfortunately lost his left arm when he was a child. I wil never forget the couple of times Raul and I were members of the same team during some National Competitions.

Rosario and Raul are examples of how a tiny difference does not make them lesser.

In the Olympic Games, and the Fencing World Championships, the events for handicapped fencers have been held since 1980.

The physical condition does not affect... as always in fencing the most important thing is to enjoy this sport.

On Guard..... Prets ? Allez !!!


  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Kix said…

    Wow, es impresionante. No dejo de sorprenderme de la fuerza y pasión que tienen las personas con capacidades diferentes frente a la vida, y nosotros que estamos completitos a cada rato quejándonos de todo. Son un ejemplo a seguir. Saludines!!

  • At 5:07 PM, Blogger Freddy said…

    un deporte muy interesante; aunque me apasiono más con el fut americano, el baseball, el tennis, el golf, el ajedrez y algunos más.....qué tal el "calorcito" por Ontario?...acá en pueblo quieto hace un "friazo": 8 grados centígrados; SOBRE CERO!!!

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger Mugrali said…

    Oooooooo...me quito el sombrero y me pongo de pie.
    Hay otros que estando completos y siendo "normales" son unos perfectos inútiles.
    Saludos :-)

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger Freddy said…

    okis, espero el chistorete anunciado..claro que no lo publicaré porque me lloverían mentadas...ahhh qué los regios tan manchados,jajajaja

  • At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am not surprised about the deaf fencer, because you don't need to hear to participate in most sports.

    However, I once read about a *blind* fencer, which is extremely surprising. (I think she could see a little bit, but she must have had to fence mostly by "feel")

    -Julia Boma-Fischer, Toronto

  • At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am not surprised about the deaf fencer, because you don't need to hear, to participate in most sports.

    However, I once read about a *blind* fencer, which is very surprising. I think she could see a little bit, but she must have had to fence mostly by "feel".

    -Julia Boma-Ficher, Toronto


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